Sunday 1 January 2012

Star Wars and Fever: How its ok to be sick on New Year's

I would love to say that I spent New Year’s at some crazy party, dancing and drinking until 2012 came. But I didn’t. Instead I was running a fever, and spent the night taking medicine and watching Star Wars with my family. And in some strange way it was a lot of fun, except for being sick.

Generally I find a lot of people get sick at the end of the year. Just as soon as you have those few days of vacation, you end up getting flu so bad you practically need an iron lung. And of course this spoils your entire holiday spirit.

Sadly, you can blame no-one but yourself.

Nowadays, vacations are more like work to be honest. Six hundred people want to meet you, or go out. If you have kids you have to take them everywhere, as well as entertaining them. You are expected to cook 3-4 meals a day, deserts apart, and clean the house. If people come over you have to make the effort to look good and keep them welcome. So its not as if you relax more than you did while you were working.

Eventually, after months of work, and now suffering the few vacation days, your system draws the line. In some warped way it thinks that by making you sick, you will finally slow down and get some rest. And its true, you finally do.

Whether it be from severe medication, or plain exhaustion, I hope that everyone gets rest in the very last days of vacation.

Have a happy New Year.

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