Saturday 7 January 2012

The Evil Hold of the Sinister Cookie Monster

Someone find me a dietary priest or a fitness guru, because I've been taken over by a monster. And I believe it is the most terrifying monster of all...

The cookie monster.

Everyone always says that over Christmas holidays you should forget your diets and shakes to enjoy yourself. Unfortunately, these exorbitant Christmas feastings are just the start of your new weight complex development. With all these treats at your disposal, you give it all you’ve got and eat as if there's no tomorrow, or to not offend the people you visit.

And its not like the chocolate chip cookies are low fat, or the ice-cream, or the mouth watering puddings, or the succulent, rich slabs of chocolate that....

I'm so hungry.

And that’s exactly where it starts. Since you live on a quite strict health diet, and are now used to festive season treats, you continue to eat them right through January. Oh, you tell yourself that you will start working out next week, but next week becomes another three cookies hovering into your mouth. And of course the wonderful invention of television means you sit there all day doing what? Eating. While gorgeous and healthy people prance about on the screen in front of you.

I'm not saying treats are all bad, they have benefits too. But it’s a moderation thing, and I think we end up overdoing it.

My advice?

Keep eating, but measure portions, and mainly EXERCISE more.

Take your dogs for a walk around the block. Walk to the nearby shops instead of driving. For the brave there is even running. For the not so brave, skip the elevators and take the stairs. Small, every day changes that could leave you healthier and vitalised.

I am going to try my best by starting small, then working my way up.

But first I have to put the cookie back in the tin.

Life is hard!

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