Wednesday 11 January 2012

I Hate Your Guts; How I Found a Lifelong Partner in Comedy

Going to a new school is never easy. Everything looks different, everyone is a stranger.

And having some random chick you barely know hate you doesn’t help at all.

She was in my french class. A tall, skinny, dark haired girl. One who looked daggers at me every time I walked past or raised my hand. I had barely even spoken to her, how could she dislike me so intensely? Well, if she was going to play that game, so was I.

She was going to get a taste of her own medicine.
But then something so unbelievable happened, all my plans just failed. We both auditioned for the school musical. On the same night. And after that, she wasn’t that girl from french class anymore. She was Leizelle. A funny, smart and mad as a hatter possible friend that I spoke to almost every day.

She was the wittiest person I had ever met. Her retorts were so sharp that if you challenged her it was officially Hara-Kiri. She always had time for a joke, a comforting word. And although she was the nicest person I knew, she was never afraid to stand up for herself or others. She was a genius, and I loved anticipating what crazy thing she would do next. Knowing her, it was bound to  be hysterically funny.

I’m sad to say I didn’t gain a friend.

But I did gain a sister.

And I think that is way more kick-ass.

She is one of the only people I know that makes you laugh so hard you have to lie down to recover, gasping for air and tears streaming from your eyes. We share relationship woes, discuss new possibilities and always share food. Now if that isn't a sign of family, I don’t know what is.

She's a singer. She's a model. She's a dancer. She's a comedian. She's a therapist. She's a baby-sitter. She's a philosopher.

But most of all, she's my sister.

For Lei :)


  1. Aw life. klink of sy dood is ;P nah, ek moet agree sy's special. voel nogal vrek jaloers.

  2. Haha I promised her I'd write about her one day. I'm glad I did a good job
