Thursday 1 December 2011

Step by Step..... Surviving Christmas

Remember when you were young and you saw Cinderella? Back then your worst nightmare was the evil Stepmother and stepsisters. Now, for those of us who actually have step family the nightmare is quite different. It involves Christmas.

After my parents divorce, my mom remarried and several years later so did my dad. I will admit things didn’t go smoothly between my stepfather and I, but they weren’t terrible either. So, in effect I have two different families. And four stepsisters and a stepbrother to join the conundrum.

This is useful, cause they are good friends. Unfortunately, round Christmas it becomes hell. Ever had to buy nine decent Christmas presents on a very limited budget? Oh, and not to mention my aunt and uncle are like second parents so add five more presents and then there are MORE cousins adding three more! That’s SEVENTEEN presents!

Understand why I’m not particularly fond of this holiday? What do you buy all these people?

Bath products are out because several are allergic to soap. Same with perfume. Food is even worse because its impossible to remember allergies, diets, preferences and so forth. Not knowing sizes cuts out clothes and books have usually been read before. Toys have been owned and broken and so have gadgets and doodads.

The solution? Easier than you would expect. Make something yourself.

Considering that most of us are home for December it’s the perfect time to start a new hobby. Candle-making, beading, painting and even writing can all be used to your advantage. Since Christmas is actually about caring and family being together the idea that you made all the presents yourself will be special, and admired a great deal. This could even be a family project! Rope in sisters, cousins and all arty family members and have a crafting day.

Last year as a gift I wrote a poem about how I thought our family works. Was it cheesy? Yes. Was it a hit anyway? Yes. Never underestimate the people you love. A present is still a present no matter if its bought or made.

Twenty-three days to go. Craft store here I come!

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