Sunday 25 March 2012

South African Teens and Gays: The Attitude

South Africa was the fifth country in the world, and the first in Africa to legalise same-sex marriages. The law also allows one partner to take care of the other’s affairs in the event of death. For a third-world country with more than its fair share of political problems, this was a massive breakthrough. It showed that we were changing, moving forward as a country and as people.

But just like many new ideas, there was scorn, there was outcry, and there was indifference. Eventually though, came acceptance. It wasn't loud or obvious, but subtle, and it happened all over the country.

Unfortunately the youth is still very undecided.

One of my very good friends, writer of Phwl of the now, is an openly gay teen in high school. I have so much respect for him, and the strength he has as a person. He isn't the only gay friend I have, there are several. But it saddens me that many of them don’t want to be open or honest about who they are because they fear retribution from their classmates. Ive never seen the point in bullying, so this just drives me crazy.

To me, they're just ordinary people. I don't believe in judgement or prejudice, even though its sometimes inevitable. Shouldn't you look at the type of person someone is instead of who they love? does it matter if its a great person? Answer: it doesn't.

Try changing your point of view for once. You may gain fabulous friends (howzit Boeta!)

Everyone has the right to be who they are, and don’t deserve to be discriminated against


  1. Heya Sussa :) aw u puts a tear in my eye.... :')

  2. Always true boeta, glad you liked it!
